exhibit a: a picture that represents something i am thankful for each day
exhibit b: a picture that represents our day and what we have done
exhibit c: ideally, a picture of both girls together

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

february 2, 2010

exhibit a: today i am thankful for two books that have really impacted our early parenting...babywise and dr. denmark scheduling was a new idea to me while i was pregnant with lil miss. we tried out the concepts we learned once we brought her home...and viola, we had a bright, happy baby who slept through the night at six weeks and was generally content and satisfied. i wasn;t sure it would work as well the second time...but so far it seems to have! sweet pea is quite possibly easier and so well adjusted and is sleeping 8 hours and then four more at night and seems to be thriving by our estimates! of course we have the Lord to thank for two babies who have been quite charming from the start!
exhibit b:
exhibit c:
sweetest part of the day??? sweet pea spent most of it with only one sock on (i couldn't find it for the life of me once we got to mimi's house). when we returned home i still couldn't locate the sock and after searching and then coming back to look in on the girls, i noticed that lil miss had solved the problem--she took one of her socks off too to make her sissy feel less different!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww...that sock story is so sweet! Love the matching polkadot pants and the cute little sleep sack :)
