exhibit a: a picture that represents something i am thankful for each day
exhibit b: a picture that represents our day and what we have done
exhibit c: ideally, a picture of both girls together

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

april 13, 2010

exhibit a: thank you, Lord, for green leaves on the trees and growth everywhere! what an image of the work you wish to do in us! grow me, Lord Jesus, and make me blossom like all i see around me!
exhibit b:
exhibit c:

1 comment:

  1. I love following your grateful day posts...but I also adore what looks like your new bag??:) Its beautiful - you'll have to spill the designer. Also, I keep checking Festive Frills for the lovely dresses you made for R & M - you are adding to the store right? Sending you lots of love from Michigan.
