exhibit a: a picture that represents something i am thankful for each day
exhibit b: a picture that represents our day and what we have done
exhibit c: ideally, a picture of both girls together

Sunday, January 3, 2010

january 3, 2010

this is a blog i am hoping to use this year to chronicle three things...i want to reflect on God's bountiful blessings each day and post a picture to represent what i most am struck by that day...i want to also post one picture each day to signify an event or image that reflects what has happened that day...i also hope to post one image of the girls each day so we can watch them grow! i realize that i skipped the first two days of the year, but they were hectic, crazy days of packing, driving and unpacking from our trip to florida! without further ado...

exhibit a: i am so thankful for my wonderful husband today (and every day!). God so richly blessed me in giving him to me for the rest of our lives here on earth! i have always marveled at his generous and giving spirit and at how much he resembles our Savior in many areas. i love how he cares for our daughters and i adore watching him dote on the girls and i am grateful for the wonderful a father he is.
exhibit b:
exhibit c:

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